Employee Terms and Conditions

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Terms and Conditions

1. Job Title and Description: (Repair and Maintenance): You will utilize your own tools for repair and maintenance work for the company and any of its clients. Any tools purchased by the company for employee use will be the property of the company. All properties must be property locked and work areas must be cleaned at the end of  the work shift.  

2. Surveillance:  For your safety and security, you will be working under the audio and video surveillance. Periodically, supervisors/employees will observe performance and safety at work sites during work and non work hours. Please do not remove, move, or adjust any devices unless specifically asked to do so by a supervisor.

3. Cell Phone Use: Except in cases of emergency, usage of cellphone or other personal devices are not allowed during work hours.  

4. Compensation, Bonuses, Incentives Vacation, and Time Off: Compensation is as below. Payment Schedule: Weekly, on Friday for Labor and Maintenance staff and Biweekly on Friday for office employees. Payment will be made between the hours of 4:30pm and 8:00 pm. Any bonuses will be considered after a period of 1 year of full time employment. The employee may receive bonuses or incentives at the discretion of the employer, depending on individual and company performance. The employee is entitled to 5  days of paid annual leave and sick days. after 6 month on the job, In case of illness, the employee should notify the employer as soon as possible. After 6 months of continuous work, the employee is entitled to five days of paid annual leave and sick days. In the case of illness or emergency, the employee should notify the employer as soon as possible, so the employer can make alternate arrangements for work for that time period. 

5. Working Hours:  Work Schedule: 8:00 am to 4:30 Monday thru Friday for full time workers. Overtime: No Overtime allow without written / text authorization. Breaks: 30 Minutes not paid break must be taken (e.g., lunch or rest breaks).

6. Clock In and Out and Breaks: Job start time will be 8:00am. All employees are required to be ready to work at the start time, not only arrive at the site. To start and end working, employee will send a text to their assigned group text with their name, time, and location of work. If clocking in after a 15 minute interval, employee will be punched in for the next interval; for example 8:15, 8:30, 10:15 etc. If you are texting any in between time, we will clock you in at the next 15 minute cycle, and if clock out received after 4:30pm , employee will be clocked out with the previous 15 minute interval. A 30-minute break must be taken daily with text messages send as well for starting and ending breaks. Please ensure that message are sent regarding clocking in and out as these messages are used to pay employees. Clock in and out examples; “ John Smith clocking in at 12470 Riad at 8:00am” , or “John Smith leaving 12470 Riad at 4:30pm. At the end of your work day use the group chat to send pictures of the work completed for the day. Please also state where these pictures are from; example “Pictures from 12470 Riad”. If you are going to multiple locations in one day, please make sure you send pictures from all sites.

7. Probationary Period Duration: The length of the probationary period is six months. Performance Reviews are periodic and can happen at anytime during the year.

8. Termination and Resignation: Any employee resignation must be given with at least one week notice prior to departing the job. If the employer terminated the employee, one week severance pay will be given. 

9. Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Confidentiality: Employee agrees to keep company information confidential, including but not limited to, trade secrets, client data, pay check rate and detail. 

10. Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Clauses Non-Compete: Restrictions on working for competitors or starting a competing business for a certain period after employment ends. Non-Solicitation: Restrictions on soliciting clients or other employees for a certain period after employment.

11. Health and Safety Workplace Safety: Commitment from the employer to provide a safe working environment. Insurance: No Iinsurance provided by the employer.

12. Dispute Resolution:- Grievance Procedure: The process employees should follow if they have a complaint or dispute with the employer.

Arbitration: Whether disputes will be resolved through formal arbitration.

 Dispute:- The employee being required to arbitrate disputes or the employer being headquartered in Old westbury, NY 11568,

Governing Law: This agreement is governed by the laws of New York State.

13. Company Policies and Code of Conduct:- Behavior Expectations: Guidelines for professional behavior, Take a daily shower and wear the clean clothes every day, prefer work shirt and pants/ shorts. and work boots, must wear hard hat all the times, if you donot have, ask your foreman, he will arrange to purchase for you. Use of Company Property: Rules regarding the use of company equipment, technology, and assets.

14. Equal Opportunity and Diversity Non-Discrimination: A statement confirming the company’s commitment to diversity and equal opportunities for all employees, regardless of race, gender, age, disability, etc. Bottom of Form SAF Property Management Contact Information [email protected] Mon - Fri: 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM Sat & Sun: Closed Home Commercial Residential Rentals Contact APPLICATIONS Forms © 2024, SAF Property Management. All Rights Reserved. 1. I understand that i will be working under the Survillance Camera system with microphone, and may be recorded. 2. I will not be using the cell phone for my personal use during work hours, with out an emergency. 3. Hours will be 8 Am to clock out time at 4:30 Pm, must take unpaid 30 Minutes break. 4. Clock in when you are ready to work at premises ,and clock out when finish the job at premises @ $4:30 , no after 4:30 without written permission, including lunch time and location must be text to your group chart.

15 Confidential Information: The employee must keep all company information confidential during and after employment, including but not limited to financial data, trade secrets, client lists, and business strategies.

16 Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA): If required, the employee agrees to sign a separate NDA to protect company interests.

17 Notice Period: Either party can terminate the employment with one  week written notice. In case of immediate termination, the employer must pay 1 week Salary (After the probation period.)

6.2 Grounds for Termination: The employer may terminate the employee for reasons including but not limited to performance issues, breach of contract, or misconduct.

23 Workplace Safety: The employee is expected to follow all health and safety protocols in the workplace.

24 Accidents: In case of an accident at work, the employee must immediately inform the employer and follow the company's accident reporting procedures.

25 Professional Behavior: The employee agrees to maintain a high level of professionalism, including punctuality, appearance, and interpersonal relationships.

26 Disciplinary Action: Any violations of company policy or misconduct may result in disciplinary actions, which could include warnings, suspension, or termination.

27 Non-Compete: For a period of one years following the termination of employment, the employee agrees not to engage in any business or employment that directly competes with the employer.

28 Non-Solicitation: The employee agrees not to solicit or attempt to hire current employees or clients of the company for a period of 12 months after leaving the company.

29 Amendments: These terms and conditions may be amended from time to time with prior written consent from both parties.

31 Severability: If any provision of this agreement is found to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will continue in full force.

Employee Acknowledgment

I, [Employee Name], acknowledge that I have read and understood the terms and conditions of my employment, and I agree to comply with the requirements set forth by the company. Furthermore. I understand that i am not authorized to sign any aggreements, contracts, or payment promises, nor am i allowed to undertake any financial obligation on behalf of the company, without prior written authorization from the owner of the company.

Employee Signature: ______________________
Date: _______________

Employer Signature: _____________________
Date: _______________

You must accept the Terms and Conditions.